Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Componenent 2


(a) I, Dolores Rios, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) The source that helped me complete this second independent component was my mentorship at Ontario High School's fall production of "Back to the 80s" in theater tech working on the set. The two people who helped me the most during that time were Mr. Hansen and Mr. C.

(c) Log

(d) I was able to complete and extra 30 hours of mentorship with Ontario High School's production of "Back to the 80s" working in Theater Tech on different aspects of tech. But my main focus was usually always on the creation of the set for this production. With these extra 30 hours of mentorship, I had the opportunity to learn more about the construction of a set.

For this independent component I did 30 extra hours of mentorship. During my mentorship I got to work on various parts of Theatre Tech, but my main focus was on the set for the play. Due to the fact that I was in tech, getting pictures was kind of hard due to the fact that we were back stage and not supposed to have any phones. I have very few pictures but they show different aspects of the play that I helped on.

This was Mr. C, Mr. Hansen's assistant for this production, he was in charge of tech when Hansen was with the actors. The car he is in was for one of the scenes in the play. The scene included a real car being driven on stage for one of the scenes. This was the first time that Ontario High School ever brought on stage a real car.

 In this following picture are some of the main actors in their outfits for a concert scene. I was one of the people who helped pick out the costumes that would be used for this scene. Also in the back ground of this picture are some lockers that my group had to build. We had to build the lockers so that they were easy to move on and off stage, and also so that one of the doors would open up and the inside would look like. Even though the lockers were pretty much designed by Mr. Hansen and Mr. C, we were given the freedom to build the lockers how we thought was best, but of course we still had to run our plans by either Mr. C or Mr. Hansen.

Some more of he actors. The two in the front were outfits that I helped pick out for the actors according to their characters.

This was the scene where the students in the play are getting ready for prom. I got to help build most of the set pieces for this scene. We built the bleachers so that they had to purposes. We had the bleachers one one side for the scene before this one and as soon as that scene was over we went up to the bleachers and turned them around revealing a wall that was decorated for the prom scene. I helped build the bleachers and paint them as well.

This was another scene in the play were we simply used a platform that was built and used in various scenes of the play. We had to build it so that it could have multiple uses for it.

Some pictures of glances of what went on back stage during pre-production. These pictures were the few that I was able to take of what went on back stage, but pretty much sums up what we basically did to create the set for the play.

There were many more things that I wish I had pictures of, but these were a few of the ones I was able to obtain, my log has a better explanation of what I did.

This component helped me answer my EQ because I got to experience the designing and construction of a set first hand. Though many of the designs were already given to us, we had the liberty of also choosing and designing some things for the set. Mr. Hansen would sometimes go up to tech and tell us that he needed a certain thing for the set and he would let us make decisions on what best fit what he wanted. For example the furniture and the props used for the play were chosen by us. We had the opportunity to design and chose props for some scenes. For example we were able to design and chose some of the props for one of the characters named Cory. I also had the chance to help design the ballot boxes that were used for one of the voting scenes. I actually got complimented for them, they really liked the designs and paintings I painted on the boxes. Each of the boxes were especially made to fit each of the 3 main character's personalities. Throughout the play we had various of these kinds of opportunities appear, which really allowed me to experience set design and construction first hand. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Being Blown Away by my 4th Interview!

I just completed my 4th interview and my mind has been completely been blown away! I am in utter shock with the person I just interviewed. By far the best interview I have had. I interviewed a scenic designer from Mexico, which my previous interview helped me get in touch with, and the information that she gave me left me baffled. The only thing I knew about her was that she worked with my mother's life long friend in the CECUT in Tijuana Mexico and was the person in charge the design. Little did I know just how amazing this interview was going to be. After the interview I searched her up online and just ended up being in more shock after reading her short bibliography.

"Mara Gutiérrez García

Originaria de la ciudad de Tijuana, es egresa de la carrera de Arte Dramático por la Asociación Nacional de Actores y de la carrera de Comunicación por la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.
Ha tomado cursos y talleres con maestros como: Jaime Soriano, Ignacio Ortiz, Mauricio García Lozano, Gustavo Montiel, Ángel Norzagaray, Dora Arreola, Fernando Payán y los maestros Joaquín Romá, Agustín Milián, José Luis Melendo y Lorena García de España. Ha sido directora de reparto para cine y televisión a nivel nacional e internacional a lo largo de 10 años. En teatro se ha desarrollado como productora y actriz, en televisión como reportera y guionista. Ha realizado labor social en medios de comunicación en pro de la imagen de la ciudad de Tijuana. Como actriz cuenta con más de 20 montajes en su haber. Ha formado parte de diversas muestras y festivales de Teatro nacionales e internacionales como productora y actriz.
Actualmente es Gerente de Producción Escénica del Centro Cultural Tijuana, es encargada, entre otras cosas, de la Muestra Internacional de Danza Cuerpos en Tránsito, el Encuentro de Teatro, el grupo Ópera Ambulante y la producción y co-producción de espectáculos de artes escénicas con artistas locales y nacionales invitados."

It turns out that she has worked not only in theatres as a producer, scenic design, and actress, but has also worked on television as a reporter and writer. Her work has varied from local jobs to international jobs doing all of these things. She has worked on larger scale plays in Mexico City with other famous scenic designer. But the best thing is that she said that for her next production she get me and my family free tickets for the play and she would get me VIP access to the play and take be back stage to see what goes on at a professional theatre back stage.This made my night completely.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Awesome Link I Ran Into

Just ran into this Link, I thought it was pretty cool, especially because of how accuretly the sets were constructed to the pictures. This kind of thinks always amaze me!