Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1.  What ESLR have you excelled in most in your senior project? 

I feel that the ESLR in which i have excelled the most in my senior project would be in Effective User of Technology.

2.  Please explain why you think you have excelled in this ESLR.

I feel that i have excelled in this ESLR because I have learned how to use many new types of sources, how to use new Technology, and I have used technology in order to complete projects. Through my senior project, I learned how to research more quality research and I have learned of new websites that have become very helpful. As for learning how to use new technology, this applies directly with my topic. I learned how to use new equiptment that I did not know how to use before. Equiptment like tablesaws, rigging material, lights and other things. Some of the things that I learned how to use during my mentorship, I'm able to use outside of my topic like at home. For technology, I have also used it to complete components for my Senior Project. Before this year I never dared use Prezi, but this year I made myself learn how to use it for presentations. Another thing that I also used for my Senior project, though it may seem like nothing, is using the phone to my advantage. I used it to complete several projects, one being my science fair project in which I called professional theatres in all of Southern California, and another time where I had to learn how to make long distance calls to Mexico in order to complete one of my interviews.

3.  Provide evidence from your senior project to support your claim 

(evidence is a photo of something you are doing, photo of something you made, etc).


Some of the projects that I worked on that required me to learn how to use new technology.

Interview 4 (Interview I did that required me to call all the way to Mexico)