Sunday, June 2, 2013


So as I am preparing for my 2 hour presntation, my father started talking to me about set design. He told me about how at his old job, he would go deliever clay to different film studios. He told me about all the things that happened behind the stage and the huge amount of pepople that would work to create the contruction. he told me about how once he went do deliever clay to a studio and when he entered one of the warehouses he got to see how the stage crew built the pirate ship for the movie "Hook" with Robbin Williams. He described the huge amount of people working there to construct the ship. He got to talk to some of the people about the construction for the ship, and all the work that went into designing it and constructing it. He also told me about some warehouses he walked into and got to see the different props and sets that were saved so that they could possibly be reused in future movies.

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