Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SF Blog A: Problem Statement

Theater Tech


  1. Budget cuts in theater and trying to find ways to pay for the costs of the productions, especially when it comes to high school theater productions. Due to the budget cuts we are limited to more efficient technology needed in theater tech. I want to be able to find an efficient way of trying to provide money  needed for more efficient technology. What I hope to do after this is help other theater tech programs find better tactics to save and possibly earn money for the technology needed.
  2. Finding more efficient ways of moving props, such as platforms and other heavy stuff on and off stage. Sometimes there are some props that need to be moved on stage and require a great amount of people to move it. There are somethings that by simply adding wheels can solve the problem, but then there are things that cannot have wheels added. I hope to find some kind of technology that would make moving bigger props more easy to move and efficient during the play. I would then like to introduce it to other theater tech programs.

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